Security Analyst  (overview)

What You Do?

Security analysts coordinate planned security measures to protect information in computer files from accidental or unauthorized modification, destruction or disclosure. In addition, you may be responsible for designing and monitoring security systems.

Who You Do It For?

Security analysts work for almost any company or organization concerned with data security. They are also employed by specialized consulting firms, doing this type of work on a contractual basis.

How You Do It?

To perform your job as a security analyst you will need experience in technical areas such as:

  • programming,
  • systems analysis, and
  • telecommunications.

In addition, you will need to understand an organization’s business in order to know what computerized functions they cannot afford to lose. To do this job, you will develop plans to meet emergency data processing needs and safeguard computer files.


As a security analyst, you need to have an up-to-date understanding of the security measures at all stages of the informatics systems life cycle, and a thorough understanding of:

  • IT business management,                
  • quality management, and
  • risk management.

Working Conditions

Generally, security analysts work 40 hours per week in comfortable offices. In larger organizations, the security analyst is a separate position. However, in smaller organizations, you can expect to perform multiple jobs, with security analyst work being one of them. Expect extreme stress when the system is threatened by a potential or actual crisis.

Like other workers who spend their time in front of a computer terminal, security analysts are susceptible to eyestrain, back discomfort and hand and wrist problems.

With the proliferation of networks and more skilled hackers, security problems have intensified. With these factors, it is anticipated that demand for security analysts will continue to increase. Through consulting work there is also more of an opportunity to work on a contractual basis with a variety of organizations.  edited:

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